Hardware online from Elraco

Top hung sliding door track for a huge range of load capabilities. Made in Australia from cold rolled galvanised steel these tracks are consistent in dimensional accuracy as well as durable in challenging environments.
The following are clickable links to four different load classes
Light Doors to 120kg
Heavier Doors to 200kg
Industrial Weight Doors to 450kg
Extreme Duty Doors to 650kg
Rollers and Track for Extremely Heavy Doors.

When the loads become extremely heavy and top hung rollers just can’t do the job you need to use rollers mounted to the bottom of your door. With load capability of up to 2,200kg per door we are getting into the realm of serious loads
The following link (extremely heavy sliding door) shows a door (using the rollers shown) that weighs some 2,100kg being moved by one person. While it is obvious that the door takes some effort to get moving due to the inertia of that mass, the door travel is quite smooth
Manufacturer information on:-
Traditional Switches
Heavy Duty Rollers
Elraco have been supplying hardware for many differing industries and areas of endeavour for thirty nine years. Our goal is to provide the best value for money products that are available, with product advice as well..