
Euro Rebate Lock with 45mm backset.


Euro rebate lock to suit a Euro key cylinder.

Superb security for entrance doors or where door security is required.
Nine different finishes.

1 × Mortice Lock Cylinder. Key/Key. Dual Function. 65mm.
1 × Mortice Lock Cylinder. Key/Thumb Turn 65mm
SKU: HDLIMR45 Category: Tag:


Euro rebate locks are mortised into a door and are used in conjunction with doors that have a rebated edge.
Typical applications are French doors that require better weather resistance than a straight door edge.
These locks have a 45mm backset, and are used where the doors have a narrow stile. The lock has a vertical spacing from the keyhole pivot to the handle pivot of 85mm.
The finishes on the locks are a perfect match to the handles in the Iver Door Hardware catalogue.
Solid brass or stainless steel striker and face plates are available.
This product has reversible tongues and latch retraction, they have been tested over 130,000 cycles.

Backset: 45mm
Height: 174mm
Width: 17mm
Projection: 72mm
Centre to centre: 85mm

Link to Iver Locks
Link to euro cylinders

Additional information

Weight .852 kg
Dimensions 174 × 17 × 72 mm

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